2018年10月19日 星期五

《本色》 -- 三無

本家: 洛天依:http://www.bilibili.com/video/av3203599/ 小語:http://www.bilibili.com/video/av3207765/
原創: 作詞、策劃:耳朵老師對不起 繪:水貨阿秋、淩四爺、南瓜呱呱噶嘎、我愛雲子 後期指導及藝術指導:小語專業後期一首80 PV:匿名某貓(力挽狂瀾的男人) 曲、編、調、後期:HTT123456789(http://weibo.com/u/2597266967)

天生嫵媚風流俏模樣 偏嫁五尺短兒郎 谷樹皮 三寸丁 夜夜空對 枉自結愁腸

生就娉婷裊娜好身段 若為娼 無妨 冠花街 壓群芳 身無所拘 心無疆
斜陽含羞越花窗 浮雲帶怯偷眼望 美人微醺衣半敞 青絲半綰慵倚床 星眸初泛瀲灧光 檀口輕啓吐蘭芳
金風玉露相逢晚 銀盤斜偎烏雲漫 輕攏慢捻挑抹忙 嬌鶯應和啼婉轉 金蓮顫 青蔥纏 享合歡
盈盈露滴濕牡丹 翩翩粉蝶暗偷香 倒澆紅燭夜行船 魚水同歡赴巫山 長睫倦 媚骨軟 再貪歡

鴻儒白丁正襟議倫常 酒闌橫臥溫柔鄉 賞鄭聲 話高唐 男兒本色 嬌飾冀流芳
未將婦德女戒正眼望 有緣人 放浪 千夫指 又何乾 休要辜負 好皮囊
斜陽含羞越花窗 浮雲帶怯偷眼望 美人微醺衣半敞 青絲半綰慵倚床 星眸初泛瀲灧光 檀口輕啓吐蘭芳
金風玉露相逢晚 銀盤斜偎烏雲漫 輕攏慢捻挑抹忙 嬌鶯應和啼婉轉 金蓮顫 青蔥纏 享合歡
盈盈露滴濕牡丹 翩翩粉蝶暗偷香 倒澆紅燭夜行船 魚水同歡赴巫山 長睫倦 媚骨軟 再貪歡

帳暖良宵短 天色忽已晚 忙著羅襪 重整裝 倚門回首 帶笑含情央 【大郎,別打他】

2018年7月10日 星期二

《El・Tango ・Egoista/エル・タンゴ・エゴイスタ》 -- White Sanctuary (English Version)

“Death is the only redemption.” --Alternatively; a conversation between the agent of God and a beast.
Gezeus Quirys):
Bloodied crimson red and flawed
Veiled within your own facade
I approach you as a holy pastor chosen by the Gods
Now get on your knees
And pray with me

‘He' will forgive if you seek

Oh, how sweet of you to be
merciful, but don't you see--
asking for repentance from the God of Death--the irony?
Can't say I'm sorry that you're
overawed by my grandeur

Let's see how long you stay ‘pure', a~a

(Both):What a pitiful existence!

Gezeus Quirys):

Don't give into depraved-

Come now,

aren't you the one crying out to be saved?

(Eins, Zwei, Drei)

Time's up -

Who is ‘He’ salvaging?
Who is ‘He’ rewarding?
Tell me now, how is ‘He’ choosing?

Who has to lose it all?
Who has to take the fall?
Your God cares not, after all.

Starve them all to the bone
So the church overflows
Does it matter now
even if they break
Since you're sure that you'll be saved, a~a
(Since I’m sure that i’ll be saved a~a)

Gezeus Quirys):
So the Death God comes before
her scythe dyed red in gore
standing lonesome within sin, exactly
what does she pray for?

Why don’t we start with your frigid soul and body?
Tell your God to give your life to me

Gezeus Quirys):

What foolishness you speak

Go and bark in church, run along

Gezeus Quirys):

Come confess to me, I'll rid the world of your wrongs

What are you pardoning?
What are you dreaming of?
Through the love of this God up above?  

Bless me, I hear them say
Help me through all my pains
Prayer can heal them away

All the wrongs you commit
I will make sure that it's
judged accordingly, whatever it is

by the way He sees fit

Heathens speak sinful confessions
Have no mercy, ask no questions (Please hear out our plea)  
Death is the only redemption (for sanctuary)

God is this truly
I see the doubt within your eyes

(Justice in your eyes? )

Do you still believe (Though I want to still believe…)

In his lies?

Gezeus Quirys):
A hora y en la hora de nuestra muerte
(translation: now and at the hour of our death)

A hora y en la hora de nuestra muerte

That's enough, c'mon, it is time to end this farce

(Eins, Zwei, Drei, Vier, Funf, Sechs, Sieben)

Time’s up!

Rotting, decaying, we're fated to fall deep into
the clutches of the earth
dying since our birth, withering into dirt
to Him you have no worth

Virtuous in His eyes, salvaged by our demise
Words will only come from the ones who tried
To follow the justice of His light
Deep within this endless night

Between these different sects (A God of cruel neglect)
Whose truth do I select? (condemned you to your death)

You no longer believe

Your faith can set you free, ah ah

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

《Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery》 -- Mili

The magical potion of reanimation
Rise from bed, my darling

Bittersweet cranberry flavored euphoria
(Both)So I can see you again!
So I can kill you again!
And I'll
My brains accelerate
(Both)Reassemble you again
The witches can't be loved
So bravely I fought
They fell and failed
My Lady doesn't wilt
Lata lulila lulula lulila ta
Lata lulila lulula lulalila
Lata lulila lulula lulila ta
Lata lulila lulula lulalila
Poisoned sandwich tea party starts now!
Eat up, if you're lucky you won't rot

Eat up, maybe this time you'll be caught

Eat up, it's your turn, eat till you drop

Eat up, fill your stomach till it pops
Eat up, eat it all, just eat it all
'Cause there's no poison after all

I've cleared mountains and dungeons
Iron maiden, my Lady has spoken
"Ga1ahad, you will shall never collapse,"
So I charged up my lasers
Talila lulila;
That makes your bones stronger than steel
Tulila talila;
That backs up your thoughts to the cloud

Truth or false, it's the logic that dictates it all
Rising edge ticks the clock
Stimulates your flip flop
Generate, oscillate, let your blood fill the gates
Multiplex, process registration
Wipe off your pus, grind down your vitamins
The end justifies the means
Open the book, turn to page six-seventeen
Scientific Witchery

Blast away, blast away
Don't be like Lancelot, you are the new upgrade
I've done so much for you, but you treat me this way?
Someday I'll conquer the land and have you slayed
I appreciate your thoughts
But you've given me too much to tolerate
No forgiveness for this endless love
My goddess never looked at me

Our wounds closed
Finally our wounds closed
Turned into
Purple scabs

Kiss me
There's no undo
And there's no repeat
Can't go back to
How we used to be
There's no restart
But only proceed
Take up from where
We've left off and see

《奶水》 -- Mili

我們在羊水中漫步 腦海中裝滿的話 脫口而出淨是泡沫 我看不到 我看不到 分離凝乳指尖 我聽不到 我聽不到 沸騰消失不見 月上弦 像奶水一樣甘甜
交錯 我們的肋骨 併合 完美的拼圖 拉鎖 蜜封上皮膚 我們煉成一個 永遠像當孩子 易碎的心靈 逃避現實未知 世界其實充滿悲慈 共飲同一瓶 同一瓶奶水 啃一個奶嘴 我們是碎片 組合成瓶子 愛太多太多 剩下的太多 給我們太多 瓶子是愛的容器

我們在羊水中狂舞 腦海中栽滿的花 染色退縮的虹膜 我感不到 我感不到 肚臍上紅線化蝶 我睡不著 我睡不著 溶入夢中不見 Choos ve dou Leshka Tonn Pate foulex Wyeske Nebula dou neu pal Rakka Tesh collon dou Mamonde mi fulle Her Ah, Choos ve dou Leshka Tonn Pate foulex Wyeske Nebula dou neu pal Rakka Tesh collon dou Mamonde mi fulle Her 月上弦 像奶水一樣甘甜

-music-(Ve loosh Denix ve falfa
Ne dox Phoille te Lirte) 交錯 我們的肋骨 併合 完美的拼圖 上鎖 無人能浸入 我生出你 你生出我

《 Summoning 101》 -- Mili

I peaked through the gate
Found your hiding placeFeather pens scribble down your commands"Scientific Evocation"

Decomposing wolf fangs
Powdery moonlight
Half a human

Bite off your nail, paint a magic circleChanting the magic spellSummon me now

Take my paws, take my pawsShow me wonders of your worldThe autumn leaves, the summer breezeYour shiny hair like mahoganyTeach me, oh teach meThe language that you singLyrr viva tou conquieta
Aeterrno amora

Crumbling gateTake me back to empty spaceReached out to your gentle handsDoors closedClipped my arm right off
Still you would never give up
Scanning nether for my whereabouts


Summon me now

Years gone by
No moments wasted
Day and night
No memories faded
Six hundred and seventeen pages
Now've became the basis for all creations


Hold on tight, hold on tight
Let me shield you from the storm
The melting flesh, the burning tears
Make you stronger than ever before
Vive torr amora vrk
The last words that you spoke
Oozing out from your tiny skull
Thousand years' wisdom

Take my paw, take my paw
You're the wonder of my world
The wrinkled face, the silver hair
Your crystal eyes stay a beautiful pair
Teach me, oh teach me
The magic that you preached
I tried to speak, all that came out was

Lyrr viva tou conquieta
Aeterrno amora

《滾滾紅塵》 -- 陳淑樺

作詞者 羅大佑 作曲者 羅大佑
起初不經意的你 和少年不經世的我 紅塵中的情緣 只因那生命匆匆不語的膠著 想是人世間的錯 或前世流傳的因果 終生的所有 也不惜換取剎那陰陽的交流 來易來 去難去 數十載的人世遊 分易分 聚難聚 愛與恨的千古愁 本應屬於妳的心 它依然護緊我胸口 為只為那塵世轉變的面孔後的翻雲覆雨手 來易來 去難去 數十載的人世遊 分易分 聚難聚 愛與恨的千古愁 於是不願走的妳 要告別已不見的我 至今世間仍有隱約的耳語 跟隨我倆的傳說 滾滾紅塵裡有隱約的耳語 跟隨我倆的傳說

2018年1月20日 星期六

《東風志》 -- 銀臨x慕寒

作曲 : 银临 作词 : 择荇 编曲:灰原穷 笛子:水玥儿 二胡:EZ-Ven 翻唱:银临&慕寒


驱策的魂魄要流浪哪条街 射落的纸鸢曾飞过哪片月 磷灯点满城阙 照彻天不夜 看见什么 灰飞烟灭?
夜读时节 埋下姑苏一坛雪 借用渔火斟开 云梦水千叠 今宵于风露中 星辰非昨夜 都不似谁眼睫 寒:
眉间点血 衣上牡丹 愈笑愈孤寒 故人磊落 曾照旧肝胆 似这清风明月 凌霜傲雪 最清澈双眼 两处茫茫可相见? 銀:
把酒祝东风 且祝山河与共的从容 酩酊人间事 从此不倥偬 寒:
若负剑过群峰 云深不知竟一人一骑 青山几重 回眸一眼就心动
寒:幽幽陈笛恰是谁当年谱写? 銀:无意扣紧按在琴弦的指节 合:
似曾相识笑靥 惊鸿忽一瞥 原来从未忘却 寒:
眉间点血 衣上牡丹 愈笑愈孤寒 故人磊落 曾照旧肝胆 似这清风明月 凌霜傲雪 最清澈双眼 两处茫茫可相见? 合:
把酒祝东风 且祝山河与共的从容 酩酊人间事 从此不倥偬 若负剑过群峰 云深不知竟一人一骑 青山几重 回眸一眼就心动 銀:
把酒祝东风 就祝当时携手的珍重 春秋千万种 只为谁附庸 寒:(銀臨戲腔)
若花胜去年红 坞中莲蕊竟已开已落
若花胜去年红 坞中莲蕊
醉倒芳丛 回眸一眼就心动
一眼就心动) 寒:
若花胜去年红 坞中莲蕊竟已开已落 醉倒芳丛 一眼岁月都无穷