2017年12月31日 星期日

【劍網三】《大美江湖》 -- 银临,灰原穷,冲儿

大美江湖 (《剑网3》重制版主题曲) - 银临



落雪满长街 天色欲晚
信笺里又添 腊梅花几瓣

高山流水间 相逢是前缘
听琴音飘渺 一曲风月闲
垂钓清溪畔 忽然雨连绵
急忙踮着脚 来为你撑伞

一叶轻舟泛 风中竹香漫
打马过江南 月下折柳试剑
春风得意 正少年

闹市鼓声喧 灯火缭乱
偷牵住衣袖 怕与你走散

对弈青崖间 春花烂漫


树屋古藤前 放花灯祈愿


策马昆仑巅 有风雪扑面
回首已无人 护在我身前
偶有书信来 两句报平安
说来也不算 是江湖不见


辗转多少年 聚散都习惯


要一路相伴 人间山水看遍
江湖凶险 也不管

城门车马喧 无意擦肩
从无话不谈 到相对无言

虽年少轻狂 渐行渐远


独坐老酒馆 桃花落满肩

细雪飘落长街 枫叶红透又一年
不只为故友流连 其实我也恋长安
听门外足音慢 依稀见旧时容颜
故事几经悲欢 结局都与你有关


2017年12月16日 星期六

《女孩你为何踮脚尖》 -- 洛天依

词曲 :秦楼凤吹 编曲:战场原妖精 曲绘:言染 PV:墨兰花语
暮色微启 听一声叹息
窗外的华灯 衬一丝幽静

旋转木马 为什么停下
烟花回答 马戏团开场了啦

啦啦啦 啦啦啦 猴子身下骑着马
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 尾巴被融化(哈哈~)
表演苹果插飞刀 幕布落下很蹊跷
气氛推向了高潮 小丑发出尖笑




暮色重临 又一轮明月
窗外的华灯 印一朵背影
旋转木马 能不能停下

烟花回答  马戏团开场了啦

啦啦啦 啦啦啦 猴子头上顶南瓜
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 突然开了花(哈哈~)
飞刀表演前祷告 观众表情很微妙
气氛推向了高潮 小丑发出尖笑


水晶球 摇摆的怀表 催眠



b:喧闹却温暖 这里好过冰冷的世界
a:女孩你梦中童话里面 温柔如春天
b:醒不来的梦 再温暖也不可信

狐步舞的节奏 起点终点

水晶球 摇摆的怀表 催眠

【山清水秀】《木蘭》 -- 若染、水君、慎言、之子

【木蘭】 詞:樂府 木蘭詩 曲:戴蕙心 原唱:李竺芯
翻唱:若染、慎言、水君、之子 念白:水君 混音:秀 曲繪:金花魚、瀲瀲 海報:容瑾 影片:之子 出品:山清水秀Sound Design https://www.facebook.com/SQSXStudio/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
若染: 唧唧復唧唧,木蘭當戶織。不聞機杼聲,惟聞女嘆息。 水君: 昨夜見軍帖,可汗大點兵,軍書十二卷,卷卷有爺名。 合唱:不聞爺孃 喚女聲
   但聞黃河流水 鳴濺濺
   旦辭黃河去 暮至黑山頭 快唱:萬里赴戎機,關山度若飛。朔氣傳金柝,寒光照鐵衣。
   將軍百戰死,壯士十年歸。    萬里赴戎機,關山度若飛。朔氣傳金柝,寒光照鐵衣。

-music- 慎言: 阿爺無大兒,木蘭無長兄,
願爲市鞍馬,從此替爺征。東市買駿馬 之子: 西市買鞍韉,南市買轡頭,

合唱:不聞爺孃 喚女聲
   但聞黃河流水 鳴濺濺
   旦辭黃河去 暮至黑山頭

   將軍百戰死,壯士十年歸。    萬里赴戎機,關山度若飛。朔氣傳金柝,寒光照鐵衣。


水君: 歸來見天子,天子坐明堂。 若染: 策勳十二轉,賞賜百千強。 之子: 可汗問所欲,木蘭不用尚書郎
-music- 快唱:出門見夥伴,夥伴皆驚慌
   同行十二年,不知木蘭是女郎。    雄兔腳撲朔,雌兔眼迷離
   兩兔傍地走,安能 辨我是 是雄雌?

   同行十二年,不知木蘭是女郎。    雄兔腳撲朔,雌兔眼迷離
   兩兔傍地走,安能 辨我是雄雌?)



2017年12月14日 星期四

《都賴倫桑》 -- 倫桑

都賴倫桑 (這個鍋我不背) 演唱:倫桑 作曲/編曲:BYE 作詞:關關 cn是小獄君 門門 慕淺淺 後期:慕淺淺 PV:提琴 美工:麥浮 畫師:假心
倫桑: 這是一首和自家妹紙合作的一首歌.謝謝他們的歌詞.我很喜歡..謝謝所有的幕後.還有刷這個話題的你們.這首歌送給你們.然後...其實真的不賴我啊哈哈哈哈.

今天天氣好 但畢竟春眠不覺曉 悠悠睜開眼 肚子抗議著在咕咕叫 我聽從生理的號召 慢慢晃到廚房 微波里的煎蛋剛好
春天芭蕾跳 是我的錯我不吃藥 今晚非要一夜度春宵 你們又說我太低調 到底是誰桑心病狂 嫉妒我太可愛 都說賴倫桑都賴倫桑 我其實骨子裡 固執又倔強 甚至還有點年少輕狂

賴倫桑 好吧 都賴倫桑 小蠻腰是過往 請別用它做倫桑的標榜 賴倫桑 其實不賴倫桑 我在認真地唱 請你忘掉芭蕾和小蠻腰好好欣賞
家裡小窩響 鳥倦時候總要歸巢 我也會希望 每天都有好事能來到 不要悲傷不要苦惱 我就在不遠處 對你張開溫暖懷抱
巫妖王來到 是我的鍋我躲不掉 誰家天線寶寶把妹撩 又怪我掀起一片熱潮 當初吵鬧著要抱抱 如今都來怪我 戒也戒不掉的低音炮 無論身在何方 別迷失方向 每個人都應該要堅強
賴倫桑 好吧 都賴倫桑 小蠻腰是過往 請別用它做倫桑的標榜 賴倫桑 其實不賴倫桑 我在認真地唱 請你忘掉春芭和小蠻腰好好欣賞

【RAP】: 其實青春也會變成回憶 憂傷 我也希望你們記住 真正的倫桑 雖然我並不介意你們都賴倫桑 但是愛我 就認真聽我唱 就現在 放下所有矜持 愛著你們樣子 開始唱起歌幸與你相識 就現在 聽你所有委屈 哼著輕快小曲 喜歡陪著你們 就這樣一直 一直下去


2017年12月12日 星期二

《Dumb ways to die》 -- Tangerine Kitty

Set fire to your hair
Poke a stick at a grizzly bear
Eat medicine that's out of date
Use your private parts as Piranha bait

Dumb ways to die
so many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die-ie-ie
so many dumb ways to die

Get your toast out with a fork
Do your own electrical work
Teach your self how to fly
Eat a two week old unrefridgerated pie

Dumb ways to die
so many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die-ie-ie
so many dumb ways to die

Invite a psycho killer inside
scratch a drug dealer's brand new ride
take your helmet off in outer space
use a clothes dryer as a hiding place

Dumb ways to die
so many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die-ie-ie
so many dumb ways to die

Keep a rattle snake as a pet
sell both your kidneys on the internet
eat a tube of super glue
i wonder what's this red button do

Dumb ways to die
so many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die-ie-ie
so many dumb ways to die

Dress up like a moose during hunting season
disturb a nest of wasps for no good reason
stand on the edge of a train station platform
drive around the boom gates at a level crossing
run across the tracks between the platforms

they may not rhyme, but they are quite possibly
the Dumbest ways to die
the dumbest ways to die
the dumbest ways to die-ie-ie-ie
so many dumb
so many dumb ways to die

《Mama》 -- Jonas Blue

Where should we run to?
We got the world in our hands and we're ready to play
They say we're wasted

But how can we waste it if we're loving every day?
Okay, I got the keys to the universe
So stay with me 'cause I got the keys, babe

Don't wanna wake up one day wishing that we'd done more
I wanna live fast and never look back, it's what we're here for
Don't wanna wake up one day wondering where'd it all go
'Cause we'll be home before we know, I wanna hear you singing

Hey, mama, don't stress your mind
We ain't coming home tonight
Hey, ma, we're gonna be alright
Dry those eyes
We'll be back in the morning when the sun starts to rise
So mama, don't stress your mind
So mama, don't stress your mind

Mama, mama, mama, yeah
We ain't coming home tonight
Mama, mama, mama, yeah
We ain't coming home tonight

Where should we run to?
We got a ticket that takes us wherever we like
We got our problems
But just for the minute, let's push all our troubles aside
Alright 'cause we got the keys to universe
Inside our minds, yeah, we got the keys, babe

Don't wanna wake up one day wishing that we'd done more
I wanna live fast and never look back, it's what we're here for
Don't wanna wake up one day wondering where'd it all go
'Cause we'll be home before we know, I wanna hear you singing

Hey, mama, don't stress your mind
We ain't coming home tonight
Hey, ma, we're gonna be alright
Dry those eyes
We'll be back in the morning when the sun starts to rise
So mama, don't stress your mind
So mama, don't stress your mind

Hey, mama, don't stress your mind
We ain't coming home tonight
Hey, ma, we're gonna be alright
Dry those eyes
We'll be back in the morning when the sun starts to rise
So mama, don't stress your mind
So mama, don't stress your mind

Mama, mama, mama, yeah
We ain't coming home tonight
Mama, mama, mama, yeah
We ain't coming home tonight

【Lalaland】《A lovely night》

The sun is nearly gone
The lights are turning on
A silver shine that stretches to the sea

We've stumbled on a view
That's tailor-made for two
What a shame those two are you and me

Some other girl and guy
Would love this swirling sky
But there's only you and I
And we've got no shot

This could never be
You're not the type for me


And there's not a spark in sight
What a waste of a lovely night
You say there's nothing here?
Well, let's make something clear
I think I'll be the one to make that call
But you'll call?
And though you look so cute
In your polyester suit
It's wool
You're right, I'd never fall for you at all

And maybe this appeals
To someone not in heels
Or to any girl who feels
There's some chance for romance
But, I'm frankly feeling nothing
Is that so?
Or it could be less than nothing
Good to know
So you agree?
That's right

[Sebastian and Mia:]
What a waste of a lovely night

【Lalaland】《The fools who dream》

My aunt used to live in Paris.
I remember, she used to come home and she would tell us these stories about being abroad.
And I remember, she told us that she jumped into the river once. Barefoot.

She smiled...

Leapt without looking
And tumbled into the Seine
The water was freezing
She spent a month sneezing
But said she would do it again

Here's to the ones who dream
Foolish as they may seem
Here's to the hearts that ache
Here's to the mess we make

She captured a feeling
Sky with no ceiling
The sunset inside a frame

She lived in her liquor
And died with a flicker
I'll always remember the flame

Here's to the ones who dream
Foolish as they may seem
Here's to the hearts that ache
Here's to the mess we make

She told me:
"A bit of madness is key
To give us new colors to see
Who knows where it will lead us?
And that's why they need us"

So bring on the rebels
The ripples from pebbles
The painters, and poets, and plays

And here's to the fools who dream
Crazy as they may seem
Here's to the hearts that break
Here's to the mess we make

I trace it all back to then
Her, and the snow, and the Seine
Smiling through it
She said she'd do it again

【Lalaland】《City of stars》

作詞/作曲:Justin Hurwitz / Benj Pasek / Justin Noble Paul


City of stars
Are you shining just for me?
City of stars
There's so much that I can't see
Who knows?
I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you

That now our dreams
They've finally come true

City of stars
Just one thing everybody wants
There in the bars
And through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants
It's love
Yes, all we're looking for is love from someone else

[Sebastian:] A rush[Mia:] A glance[Sebastian:] A touch[Mia:] A dance

A look in somebody's eyes
To light up the skies
To open the world and send it reeling
A voice that says, I'll be here
And you'll be alright

I don't care if I know
Just where I will go
'Cause all that I need is this crazy feeling
A rat-tat-tat of my heart
Think I want it to stay

City of stars
Are you shining just for me?
City of stars
You never shined so brightly

【Lalaland】《Another day of sun》

[First Girl:]
Ba-ba-da-ba da-ba-da-ba
Ba-ba-ba ba-da-ba-da-ba
Ba-ba-ba ba

[First Girl:]

I think about that day
I left him at a Greyhound station
West of Santa Fé

We were seventeen, but he was sweet and it was true

Still I did what I had to do
'Cause I, just knew

Summer: Sunday nights

We'd sink into our seats
Right as they dimmed out all the lights
A Technicolor world made out of music and machine
It called me to be on that screen
And live inside each scene

[First Girl & First Man:]

Without a nickel to my name
Hopped a bus, here I came
Could be brave or just insane
[First Girl, First Man & Second Man:]

We'll have to see

[First Girl:]

'Cause maybe in that sleepy town
He'll sit one day, the lights are down
He'll see my face and think of how he...
[First Girl, First Man, Second Man & Dancers:]

...used to know me


Climb these hills
I'm reaching for the heights
And chasing all the lights that shine
And when they let you down
You'll get up off the ground
'Cause morning rolls around
And it's another day of sun

[Young Man:]

I hear them every day
The rhythms in the canyons
That'll never fade away
The ballads in the barrooms
Left by those who came before
They say "you gotta want it more"
So I bang on every door

[Second Girl:]

And even when the answer's "no"
Or when my money's running low
The dusty mic and neon glow
Are all I need

[Young Man:]

And someday as I sing my song
A small-town kid'll come along
[Second Girl & Young Man:]

That'll be the thing to push him on and go go


Climb these hills
I'm reaching for the heights
And chasing all the lights that shine
And when they let you down
You'll get up off the ground
'Cause morning rolls around
And it's another day of sun

[Instrumental Break]

[First Girl:]

And when they let you down
The morning rolls around

It's another day of sun
It's another day of sun
It's another day of sun
It's another day of sun
Just another day of sun
It's another day of sun
Another day has just begun
It's another day of sun
It's another day of sun

【Lalaland】《Someone in the crowd》

作詞/作曲:Justin Hurwitz / Benj Pasek / Justin Noble Paul

(performed by Emma Stone, Callie Hernandez, Sonoya Mizuno & Jessica Rothe)
[Tracy:] You got the invitation
[Alexis:] You got the right address
[Tracy:] You need some medication?
[Caitlin:] The answer's always yes


A little chance encounter
Could be the one you've waited for
[Alexis, Caitlin & Tracy:] 

Just squeeze a bit more

[Alexis:] Tonight we're on a mission

Tonight's the casting call
[Caitlin:] If this is the real audition
[Mia:] Oh, God, help us all
[Tracy:] You make the right impression
Then ev'rybody knows your name
[Alexis & Caitlin:] We're in the fast lane

Someone in the crowd

Could be the one you need to know
The one to fin'lly lift you off the ground

Someone in the crowd could
Take you where you wanna go
If you're the someone ready to be found

[Alexis:] The someone ready to be found

[Alexis:] Someone in the crowd
[Caitlin & Tracy:]
Do what you need to do
'Til they discover you

[Alexis, Caitlin & Tracy:]

And make you more than who
You're seeing now
So with the stars aligned
[Mia:] I think I'll stay behind
[Alexis, Caitlin & Tracy:] You've got to go and find

[Caitlin:] That someone in the crowd

[All:] That someone in the crowd

Is someone in the crowd the only thing you really see?
Watching while the world keeps spinning 'round?
Somewhere there's a place where I find who I'm gonna be
A somewhere that's just waiting to be found



Someone in the crowd could be the one you need to know
The someone who could lift you off the ground
Someone in the crowd could take you where you wanna go
Someone in the crowd could make you
Someone in the crowd could take you
Flying off the ground
If you're the someone ready to be found